Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
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Text File
69 lines
* *
* Menu functions *
* *
1 - Log out
2 - Goto menu (Menu #)
3 - Chat call (# of plays)
4 - Set ANSI flag
5 - Set Cls flag
6 - Set Pause flag
7 - Set Full Screen Editor flag
8 - Change # of lines per screen
9 - Change suburb
10 - Change phone number
11 - Change computer description
12 - Change password
13 - Type a file (Filename)
14 - Type a file w/o pause (Filename)
15 - Print text (Line #)
16 - Leave a message (Section, [Name])
17 - Read messages (Section, 100 = Lnk1 local,
101 = Lnk1 echo, 102 = Lnk1 both,
103/104/105 = Lnk2, 106/107/108 = Lnk3)
18 - List/Search user file
19 - Print caller log
20 - List files (Section, 100 = Lnk1, 101 = Lnk2, 102 = Lnk3)
21 - Delete a file (Section, 100 = Lnk1, 101 = Lnk2, 102 = Lnk3)
22 - Read a file (Section, 100 = Lnk1, 101 = Lnk2, 102 = Lnk3)
23 - Upload files (Section, 100 = No section, [Path])
24 - Dnload files (Section, 100 = Lnk1, 101 = Lnk2,
102 = Lnk3, [Filename])
25 - Make "New" file public (Section, 100 = Lnk1,
101 = Lnk2, 102 = Lnk3)
26 - Edit a user
27 - Execute external program (1 = args, Filename)
Arguments passed: Name, Access, Time remaining,
Bps rate, Page length,
Line feeds (always Y),
Local (Y/N), ANSI (Y/N),
Pause (Y/N), Cls (Y/N)
28 - CLI
29 - Deposit to the time bank
30 - Withdraw from the time bank
31 - Deposit all time remaining & log out
32 - Send a private NetMail message (0 = Check dest, [Name]
1 = Don't check dest, [Name]
2 = Dest, Dest)
33 - Set default file transfer protocol
34 - Door (Filename)
35 - Read messages w/o reply (Section, 100 = Lnk1 local,
101 = Lnk1 echo, 102 = Lnk1 both,
103/104/105 = Lnk2, 106/107/108 = Lnk3)
36 - Set Junk mail flag
37 - Raw download (0 = No path, 1 = Allow path)
38 - Who's online
39 - Internode chat ([Node #], 99999 = conference)
40 - Edit marked files (Section, 100 = Lnk1, 101 = Lnk2, 102 = Lnk3)
41 - UnMark all marked files
42 - Send a private NetMail message via Hub (Phone number (101-121),